Prof. A. Atputharajah Vice Chancellor
Mr. G. NaveendrakumarDirector/ Harmony Centre
Prof. Nandana WijeyasingheOutside Member
Mr. JeyanthanOutside Member
Dr. M. MalaravanRepresentative of Council Members
Dr. S. WijeyamohanRepresentative of Council Members
Ms. A. F. SharfanaRepresentative of Senate Members
Academic Staff Representative / Faculty of Applied Science
Mrs. M. R. F. Aqeela IjasAcademic Staff Representative / Faculty of Business Studies
Ms. P. RukshaniAcademic Staff Representative / Faculty of Technological Studies
Mr. B. BalathasAssistant Bursar (Supply)
Mr. Mohamed ShazanStudents' Representative / Faculty of Technological Studies
Mr. M. I. Irsad AhamedStudents' Representative / Faculty of Applied Science
Ms. Z. FarookStudents' Representative / Faculty of Business Studies
Mr. P. KrishanthanSecretary to the Management Committee / Assistant Registrar