Author Guidelines for the conference paper

Full Paper: The extent of the paper is 8 – 14 pages

Language of the paper: English

The detailed contents of the paper are given in the Template.


Formatting requirements:

·       font-size: 14pt (title), 11pt (text) and 10pt (titles of figures and tables);

·       font: Times New Roman

·       margins: 2.5 cm

·       line spacing: 1.5

·       block alignment

 The paper should not exceed 14 pages, including results, figures, tables, and bibliography/references. Carefully adhere to the guidelines and the template. Papers will be published in peer-reviewed proceedings with ISBN. 


A signed Honor and Originality Declaration Form must be submitted along with the conference paper. 


For Downloads:

Template ICHR2023

Declaration Form ICHR 2023

Conference Flyer