The Second Annual General Meeting of the of the IEEE Student Branch of Vavuniya Campus was held on 7th of August 2019. The Chair of IEEE Sri Lanka Section Prof. Chandimal Jayawardane and Membership Chair Dr. S. Vasanthapriyan graced the AGM. Further, Eng M. Maheswaran from Sri Lanka Telecom , Eng Yasitha Wicramage from Mobitel and Eng Mrs. M. Thayaparan from Ceylon Electricity board were participated.

The Rector Dr. T. Mangaleswaran, Dean Dr. Mrs. A. Nanthakumaran, Head Mr. S. Thirukumaran, Technology Stream Coordinator Mr. S. S. Suthaharn are also attended the meeting.
The delegates were addressed the gathering and there were two technical talks delivered on Sustainable Renewable Electrical Energy and 5G Technology in Sri Lanka.
Further, the new office bearers of the IEEE Students Branch of Vavuniya Campus were elected by the students and coordinated by the election officer Eng Yasithe Wicramage.
A newly developed website was launched by the OPMC Manager of Sri Lanka Telecom, Vavuniya Eng M.Maheswaran and as the climax of the meeting, a lineman (Retired) from Ceylon Electricity Board Mr. S. Kuhanmurthy recognized for his service to the region and honoured with the IEEE Student Branch Diamond Awards.