The idea of starting the IEEE Student Branch for Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna was raised in 2017 on March 22, in writing to the IEEE Sri Lanka section by Mr.T.Kartheeswaran insisting to start a petition. However, all the issues have been sorted out and the request has been justified.

IEEE Sri Lanka section Chair Dr. Sanath Jayawardana (in 2017) helped to plea the petition in the committee and finally approved it unanimously. Later on, the student activity chair, Mr.Nadarajah Dheynoshan joined with this process and completed the petition process of the IEEE student branch of the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna as new and 17th branch in Sri Lanka. Mr.P. Kovelan was appointed as an interim chair for this process. On 6th of June 2018, the student branch was approved by region 10 members Dr.Deepak Mathur, Prof.Kukjin Chun, Region 10 Director, Mr.Ramkrishna Kappagantu, and all the administrative body of IEEE. On the 27th of June 2018, IEEE officially announced the IEEE Student Branch of Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna through a letter and it was reported to the Branch Counselor Mr.T.Kartheeswaran. The student branch was established by Mr.T.Kartheeswaran branch counselor with 12 student members as the founding committee. Finally, the student branch got approved by the 111th Faculty Board (05-04-2018), 217th Campus Board (24-06-2018) , and the 428th council meeting (01-07-2018) of the University of Jaffna.
On 04th of July 2018, the inauguration ceremony and the first Annual General Meeting of the IEEE Student Branch Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna was conducted. The First AGM was honored by IEEE Chair – Dr.Sanath Jayawardena, IEEE Chair-Elect Prof. Chandimal Jayawardena, And the Student Activity chair Mr. Peshan Sampath, Rector Vavuniya Campus – Dr.T.Mangaleswaran, Eng.M.Maheswaran – Operation Engineer at Telecom Vavuniya ,Eng.Mrs.Maithili Thayaparan – Chief Engineer at Ceylon Electricity Board, Mr.S.Kuhanesan – Dean Faculty of Applied Science, Mr.S.Thirukumaran – Head of the Department, Department of Physical Science, Former head Dr.T.Ketheesan along with all the staffs and students of the Faculty of Applied Science. The election for selecting office bearers was conducted by Eng. M.Maheshwaran and the distinguished guests addressed the audience. Prof. Chandimal Jayawardena delivered an amazing keynote speech on Robotics. The event was concluded with a vote of thanks by then Secretary of the IEEE Student Branch.

August 1st of 2021 Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna became an independent University as University of Vavuniya. Later, with the help of Chair, IEEE Sri Lanka Section Dr. Maheshi Dissanayake, Student Activity Chair of IEEE Sri lanka Section Mr. Dhammika Marasinghe and Robert Sacks , the Coordinator of Student Activity Division of IEEE global the School name has been changed as University of Vavuniya (60123024) and the Student branch became the IEEE Student Branch of University of Vavuniya (STB10167) from 5th of August 2021.