The Brain Booster Teachers Training programme has been organized by IEEE Student Branch of the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna on 6, 7 and 13,14th of March 2020 in Basic Concepts of Computer Networking (A/L Syllabus). Around, 13 ICT Teachers joined in this programme for all this four day coordinated by Mr.S.Sivarajah in Service Adviser and the Zonal Department of Education, Vavuniya North. Mr.S.S.Suthaharan, Mr.T.Kartheeswaran and Mr.S.Gopinath were delivered the modules as resource persons. Almost 13 modules were covered in these four days training session. Further, Mr.Andrew Howard from National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) and Co-Chair APAN from Australian National University (ANU) and Prof. Roshan G.Ragel, Consultant , Lanka Education and Research Network (LEARN) has delivered 20 minutes session each on “Recent Trends in Networking” and “Sri Lankan External Network Connectivity” respectively . The teachers are trained with theory and practical including pass papers questions in Computer Networking A/L Syllabus. The Final Day, Mr.S.Kuhanesan, Former Dean and Dr. G. Jeyaseelan Head DELT were distributed the certificates for the teachers. This training programme funded by Care for Education.
Networking Teachers Training Programme