Inter Faculty Fresher’s Tournament 2019
Inter Faculty Fresher’s basketball Tournament was held on 08th December 2019. Faculty of Applied Science (women) won the 2nd runner up
Inter University wrestling championship 2019
Mr.S.R.M.M.P.Bimsara, (Faculty of Business Studies) member of wrestling team and Inter University level won the third place for the Team. His got a half colors.
Inter University wrestling championship 2019
Inter faculty freshers chess tournment 2019 was held on 10th November, 2019 at the University of Jaffna. Faculty of Applied Science won the RUNNERS UP (men).
Inter Faculty Fresher’s Carom Championship 2019
Inter Faculty fresher’s Carom Championship was held on 11th November, 2019 at the University of Jaffna. The six faculties from the participated in the championship. Faculty of Applied Science won the 2nd place (Women).
Inter Faculty Table tennis Championship 2020
Inter FacultyTable tennis men Championship was held on 2nd February, 2020 at the University of Jaffna playground. Faculty of business studies got a second place.
Inter University Karate & Taekwondo Championship 2019 (SLUG)
Inter University Karate –Kumite Championship 2019at University of Ruhuna D.F.P.C.Obeysegara is participate 50 kg gunder men Kumite got a silver medal
Inter University Taekwondo -2019 at University of Ruhuna
- D.F.P.C.Obeysegara is participate poomes men(Senior) got a silver medal and below 54kg (fin) men got a bronze medal .
He is a good talented sports man in vavuniya campus