Support Center for Persons with Disabilities conducted a “Disability Awareness Workshop” for Academic, Executive, and Non-academic staff in two parts on 26th August 2022.
The purpose of the training is to provide awareness regarding the purpose and activities of the newly established Support Center for Persons with Disability in our university and how to integrate differently-abled persons into our university in the future.
Dr. M. Malaravan, Consultant Eye Surgeon, Teaching Hospital, Jaffna, and Mr. V. Subramaniyam, Member of the National Council for Persons with Disability participated as Resource Persons in this Workshop.
The first part was conducted from 9.00 am to 11.00 am for Academic and Executive staff, and the 02nd part from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm for Non-academic staff.
100 participants participated in this workshop including 40 Academic, Executive, and 46 Non-academic.