The Staff Development Centre of the University of Vavuniya organized a workshop on “Changes to be Implemented in the Process of Exam Claim & Self-Finance Activities of the University of Vavuniya” for all staff members of the university on 11th December 2024, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Mr. L. Ramramanan, Bursar of the University of Vavuniya, served as the resource person for the session. A total of 83 staff members attended the workshop, where Mr. Ramramanan provided valuable insights into the procedures for preparing vouchers for examiners’ payments, the steps involved in preparing payment dockets, and the necessary procedures for depositing payments. He also highlighted the upcoming changes, specifically regarding the process of Exam Claims. The workshop was an important opportunity for staff to understand the new procedures and ensure a smooth transition to the updated system.