
The university has reserved some hotel rooms at discounted rates in the local standard hotels in Vavuniya city. If you want to book via the conference organiser, you are suggested to pay directly to the university account, and the local conference team will allocate hotel rooms for you on the first-come-first-serve basis upon the availability of those rooms. The local transportations will be arranged from hotel to the conference venue and back only to those hotels booked by the university. More details about the hotels, price and booking will be shared in Oct/Nov 2023 via conference websites. You can contact the conference organising team for more details. The participants can arrange the accommodations on their own. You also have to arrange the local transport from/to conference venue on your own in case of the
hotels arranged by yourself. The conference organizing committee is not able to cater transport services to all the hotels except the arrangements made by the committee themselves.
Limited bursaries available for accommodations and/or food on the need basis. Similarly, there are few scholarships available for partial travel support for young scholars from the global south with the generous support from some of our supporters. Those who have not received the travel and other support from the APPRA in the past and participants from the low income and lower middle-income countries will be given the priorities. To receive any kind of full or partial support, conference registration and submission of full paper is must.