Conference Registration

All the conference participants and presenters must register to attend the conference. The registration costs include access to the conference- 4 days, conference kit, tea/coffee breaks, and lunch. The conference committee will provide airport-pick up and drop support on a sharing basis for delegates/participants who will need the services on 6th and 10-11th March. The transfer facilities are subject to confirmation in advance only.

Early Bird Rate
[Until the end of the
December 2023]
Registration Rate
[Jan-Feb 2024]
On the Spot Rate
[March 2024]
$ 180.00$ 200.00$ 250.00
Students and
Participants from
Low Income
$ 100.00$ 140.00$ 180.00
Sri Lankan
Rs. 5000.00Rs. 7500.00Rs. 10000.00

*The person should have citizenship / residency / work permit/ proof of students to avail the fee for “students and participants from low-income countries”. The low Income countries refers to the current list of countries/territories as per the list of low income and lower middle income countries (countries having per capita up to $4465) as per this list.
** Note: In case of your cancellation before 30th December 2023, we will be deducting 30% administrative charge plus bank transfer charge to reimburse the payment, and the cancellation after the 30th December 2023, the conference committee will not be able to reimburse the payments.

You can directly pay via your cards to university website link [visit the website of University
of Vavuniya/ Conference Call] or deposit via bank transfer in the following account:

Account Name : University of Vavuniya
Bank’s Name : People’s Bank
Bank’s Code : 7135
Branch Code: 040
Swift Code : PSBKLKLX
Account Number : 040-1-003-8-1640087