University of Vavuniya.


Date: – 06/11/2021 – 07/11/2021

Organized: – University of Moratuwa

I wish to inform you that the Sixteen (16) Students from the University of Vavuniya participated in the Interfaculty online chess championship-2021. These 16 students represented the Faculty of Business studies 04 students (men-1, women-3), Faculty of Applied Science 07students (men-3, women-4) and Faculty of Information technology stream 05students (men-4, women-1).

It is noteworthy that for the first time since the Vavuniya campus was upgraded to a University of Vavuniya, it has participated as a separate university in an inter-university chess tournament.

It is noteworthy that the women’s chess team overtook the leading university, the University of Jaffna, while the men’s team overtook the leading university, the University of Kelaniya.

The details attach with this report.

The place details

University of Vavuniya –

Men (Open) – 10th place

Girls           – 12th place