University of Vavuniya Welcomes the Newly Appointed Vice Chancellor
Professor Arulampalam Atputharajah has assumed the esteemed position of Vice-Chancellor at the University of Vavuniya, effective July 8, 2024, appointed by the Honorable President under Section 34(1)(a) of the Universities Act No: 16 of 1978, as amended. He formally commenced his duties on July 8th amidst the presence of university staff.
To mark this significant milestone, a ceremonial event was held at 9:00 am on July 8, 2024 in the lecture hall of the Faculty of Technological Studies.
Dr. S. Mohanadas (Chancellor), Prof. T. Mangaleswaran (Outgoing Vice-Chancellor), Deans of Faculties, Registrar, Acting Librarian, Bursar, University Council members, Heads of Departments, Professors, Directors of Centers and Units, Executive Officers, Lecturers, Academic Support Staff, and well-wishers join in extending their heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to Professor Arulampalam Atputharajah for his future endeavors.
Immediately after this ceremonial event, the Vice Chancellor had a discussion with Deans, Heads of Departments, Professors, Directors and Administrative Officers in the Boardroom of the IT Centre.