University of Vavuniya is excited to announce for calling of applications for Research Awards for the year 2024 for the first time. The University wise awards are presented in the following categories.

  1. Category 1: Most Outstanding Young Researcher award (age below 35 years on the closing date of applications)
  2. Category 2: Most Outstanding Senior Researcher award (age 35 years or above on the closing date of applications)
  3. Category 3: Most outstanding Inventor award

Terms and Conditions

  • Eligibility: All permanent staff members of the University of Vavuniya are eligible to apply for Research awards.
  • Period of award: Research publications, patents and other related achievements published, approved, or obtained from 1st of January 2022 to 31st of December 2023 will be considered for the ‘Vice Chancellor’s Award for Research Excellence – 2024’  
  • Application process: Duly filled application form and guidelines are available on URC website. The application should reach the University Research Committee (URC) on or before 30th of June 2024 through channel from Head of the Department and Dean of the Faculty. The application must include all necessary documents, including the self-evaluation report prepared according to the guidelines and the required evidences.
  • Additional Requirements: Applicants must have updated Google Scholar and ResearchGate profiles, which need to be made publicly available. The Google Scholar ID and relevant web links should be indicated in the application. The Google Scholar account should have email verification from

Document Checklist

NoDocumentsSubmitted [✓] Not submitted [x] 
1.Self-Evaluation Report 
2.Copies of the publications (abstracts/full papers/journals/books/book chapters or any other relevant publications) 
3.Front pages of the journals, conference proceedings or other relevant. 
4.Evidences to show University of Vavuniya affiliation and appropriate indexing of the journals/conferences 
5.Front page of the paper where the applicant’s work is cited and the list of references 
6.Evidences to show the Research supervision (PhD and MPhill) 
7.Evidences to show the patent obtained 
8.Letter to show the Research award 
9.Research ID/profile: (Any of the followings – Thomson Reuters Researcher ID, Scopus ID, Google Scholar Profile or SSRN ID) 
10.Others, please specify. 

To qualify for the award, the applicant’s name must be clearly mentioned in the publication with the ‘University of Vavuniya’ affiliation. Publications without the ‘University of Vavuniya’ affiliation will not be considered for awards.

The decision of the committee appointed by the Vice Chancellor for evaluating applications for the ‘Vice Chancellor’s Award for Research Excellence’ shall be final.

Submission Deadline: 30th of June 2024. 

Vice Chancellor

University of Vavuniya
