The Council of the University shall be the executive body and governing authority of the University. Sections 44 and 45 of the Universities Act define the composition, powers, duties and functions of the Council.
The Council shall consist of the following persons:
- Vice-Chancellor;
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor, if any;
- Rector, if any;
- Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, if any;
- Dean of each Faculty;
- Two members elected by the Senate from among its members; and
- Such number of members as is equal to the total number of members under six categories above, increased by one. All such members shall be appointed by the Commission from among persons who have rendered distinguished service in educational, professional, commercial, industrial, scientific or administrative spheres.
In terms of Section 45 and subject to other provisions of the Act, the Council shall exercise, perform and discharge the following powers, duties and functions:
- • to hold, control and administer the property and funds of the University;
- • to select a coat of arms for the University, and to determine the form, to provide for the custody and to direct the use of the common seal of the University;
- • to regulate and to determine all matters concerning the University in accordance with the provisions of the Act and of any appropriate Instrument;
- to administer any funds placed at the disposal of the University for specific purposes;
- to receive and accept with the concurrence of the Commission, bequests, donations and grants of property to the University;
- to consider and if necessary amend and adopt the annual report and the annual accounts of the University and to submit such report and such accounts to the Commission;
- to prepare the financial estimates of the University and to submit such estimates to the Commission;
- to make By-laws for any matter in respect of which By-laws are authorized to be made;
- to make such Regulations as are not provided to be made by any other Authority of the University;
- to provide the buildings, premises, furniture, equipment and other material needed for carrying on the work of the University;
- to appoint persons to and to suspend, dismiss or otherwise punish persons in the employment of the University: Provided that, except in the case of Officers and teachers, these powers may be delegated to the Vice-Chancellor;
- to appoint examiners, whether from the staff of the University or from elsewhere, after consideration of the recommendations of the Senate and to determine any fees which may be paid to such examiners;
- to appoint a Board of Welfare, which shall also include representatives of the students, for the promotion of the general well-being of the students of the University. The composition, powers, duties and functions of such Board shall be prescribed by Ordinance;
- to enter into, carry out or cancel contracts on behalf of the University and to invest any moneys belonging to the University including any unapplied income, in any security in which, under the provisions of Section 20 of the Trusts Ordinance or of any other written law, it is lawful to invest trust moneys; or, with the approval of the Commission, to invest any such moneys in the purchase of immovable property in Sri Lanka or vary such investments, or to place on fixed deposit in any bank approved by the Commission, any portion of such moneys not required for immediate expenditure;
- to determine, after consultation with the Senate, the academic dress or insignia, or both, of the Chancellor, the Officers, the graduates and the students of the University;
- to advise the Commission on:
- the institution, abolition or suspension of Professorships, Associate Professorships, Lectureships and any other academic post, in consultation with the Senate;
- the institution, abolition or suspension of any non-academic post; and
- the qualifications of teachers, officers and other employees of the University; and
- to exercise all other powers of the University the exercise of which is not otherwise provided for in this Act or any appropriate Instrument;
provided, that no resolution shall be passed by the Council in relation to any academic matter unless the Senate has first been given an opportunity of recording and transmitting to the Council its opinion thereon.
| The Council' Members | |
Chairperson | Senior Prof. Arulampalam Atputharajah | Vice Chancellor |
Secretary | Mr. N. Rajavisahan | Registrar |
Deans of the Faculties | Dr. (Ms.) J. Nimalan | Dean / Faculty of Applied Science |
| Prof. Y. Nanthagopan | Dean / Faculty of Business Studies |
| Mr.V.Senthooran | Dean / Faculty of Technological Studies |
Representatives of the Senate | Prof.(Ms.).A.Nanthakumaran | Professor in Environmental Science |
| Prof.G.Jeyaseelan | Professor in English |
UGC Appointed Members | Eng. Gnanasena Goonapinuwala (Past District Governor, Lions
District 306 B2, Lions Clubs International) | UGC Appointed Member |
| Dr.S.N.Thanigasalampillai (Retired Provincial Director of Education, Northern Province) | UGC Appointed Member |
| Mrs.S.Jayasooriya (Former Bursar of University of Colombo) | UGC Appointed Member |
| Prof. Gamini Senanayake (Professor Emeritus, Former Vice Chancellor of
University of Ruhuna and Chairman, Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural
Research Policy) | UGC Appointed Member |
| Dr. M . Malaravan (Consultant Ophthalmologist, Teaching Hospital, Jaffna) | UGC Appointed Member |
| Mr. BM Hisham (Attorney-at-Law/ Notary Public Commissioner of Oath) | UGC Appointed Member |
| Eng. N . Shriskandarasa (Former Director/ Irrigation) | UGC Appointed Member |