University shall have a Senate which shall be the academic authority of the University. Section 46 of the Universities Act defines the composition, powers, duties and functions of the Senate.
The Senate of the University shall consist of the following persons:
- the Vice-Chancellor;
- the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, if any;
- the Rector of each Campus, if any;
- the Director of each Institute or Centre for Higher Learning, if any, affiliated to the University;
- the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, if any;
- the Dean of each Faculty;
- the Head of each Department of Study;
- every permanent Professor of the University;
- the Librarian; and
- two teachers, other than those referred to above elected by the permanent teachers of each Faculty, from among their number.
The Senate shall have control and general direction of instruction, education, research and examinations in the University.
Subject to the provisions of the Act as stated in Section 46 (6) of the Act the Senate shall exercise, perform and discharge the following powers, duties and functions:
- to draft, after consideration of reports from the Faculty Board/s Regulations relating to courses of study and examinations and to submit such drafts to the Council for approval;
- to recommend to the Council, after consideration of reports from the Faculty Board/s the names of persons suitable for appointment as examiners;
- to recommend to the Council the institution, abolition or suspension of Professorships, Associate Professorships, Senior Lectureships, Lectureships, and other academic posts in the University;
- to recommend to the Council after consideration of reports from the Faculty Board/s:
- schemes for the re-organization of existing Faculties and Departments of Study and the organization of new Faculties and Departments of Study; and
- the assignment of subjects of study to the respective Faculties;
- to award fellowships, scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries, medals and other prizes on such conditions as may be approved by the Council;
- to appoint such number of Standing Committees, or Ad-hoc Committees or Boards of the Senate as it may deem fit and in particular:
- a Library Committee;
- an Admissions Committee;
- a Research Committee;
- a Curriculum and Evaluation Committee; and
- a Probationary Study Leave Committee; and to specify their terms of reference; to consider their reports and to either approve such reports, whether with or without modification, or to reject such reports; and
- to recommend to the Council requirements for the admission of students to courses of study.
Senior Prof. Arulampalam Atputharajah | The Chairman (Vice-Chancellor) |
Dr. (Mrs.) J. Nimalan | Dean, Faculty of Applied Science |
Prof. Y. Nanthagopan | Dean, Faculty of Business Studies |
Mr.V.Senthooran | Dean, Faculty of Technological Studies |
Dr.S.Wijeyamohan | Head, Bio Science |
Mr.C.Larojan | Head, Business Economics |
Prof.G. Jeyaseelan | Head, English Language Teaching |
Dr.(Mrs).K. Kalainathan | Acting Head, Finance & Accountancy |
Mr.S.Harikaran | Head, Human Resource Management |
Mr.V.Vinoharan | Head, Information Communication Technology |
Prof.S.Gunapaalan | Acting Head, Management & Entrepreneurship |
Mr.S.A.Jude Leon | Head, Marketing Management |
Dr.M.Kayanan | Head, Physical Science |
Ms.S.Mathivathany | Acting Head, Project Management |
Prof. Poongothai Selvarajan | Professor in Management/ Faculty of Business Studies |
Prof.T.Mangaleswaran | Professor in Human Resource Management/Faculty of Business Studies |
Prof. (Ms.) A. Nanthakumaran | Professor in Environmental Science/Faculty of Applied Science |
Dr.S.Shanmugathasan | Librarian (Acting) |
Dr.S.Kirushanth | Representative of Faculty of Applied Science |
Dr.(Ms.)S.Devaisy | Representative of Faculty of Applied Science |
Ms.J.S.Thevaruban | Representative of Faculty of Business Studies |
Mr.G.R.M.Gamlath | Representative of Faculty of Business Studies |
Ms.W.A.S.C.Perera | Representative of Faculty of Technological Studies |
Ms.T.Amrithaa | Representative of Faculty of Technological Studies |
Mr. N. Rajavisahan | Secretary (Registrar) |
Dr.K.Arjunan | Director / Career Guidance Unit - Observer to the University Senate |