Professor A. Atputharajah
Tel: 024 222 2264 Mobile : +94 77 737 9164
Fax : 024 222 2265
Email: vc@vau.ac.lk
More Details: https://www.eng.jfn.ac.lk/prof-atpu/
Message from the Vice-Chancellor
I am very delighted to work with my colleagues as the second Vice Chancellor to the University of Vavuniya. The University of Vavuniya was evolving, starting from 1991 as Northern Provincial Affiliated University College, then in 1997, it became as Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna. Finally, after thirty years, from 1st August 2021, it has become as the University with all hard-works of former Vice Chancellor, Rectors, Deans, Registrar, Bursar, Heads of the Departments, Professors and all staff.
The University of Vavuniya, is being traveling, as one of the leading center of excellence in knowledge advancement and dissemination for sustainable change. The University is also extending its facilities to foster sustainable quality of education and uphold excellence in teaching, learning and research activities to fulfil the gaps in the region and nation.
The quality assurance of the teaching and learning process is being strengthen with complete cycle of analyzing the performance and accordingly upgraded. Accordingly, the graduates from the University of Vavuniya are very well trained with expertise in knowledge, skills and ability, who can be good citizens and leaders to serve the nation and the world.
With the dedicated team of staff in the University of Vavuniya and volunteering international experts, the University is in the process of utilizing the technologies, for digitalizing its day to day administrative operations. This will create an effective and efficient administrative system within the University while reducing any unnecessary delays in its operations.
The research, development, commercialization, producing entrepreneurs and start-up business is the current era. The University of Vavuniya is continuing and dedicating to strengthen this direction of developments. The University is also welcoming all possible partners to contribute in this regards.
The University Business Linkage is strengthen to enhance the University-Industry interactions, consulting services, disseminating the knowledge through CPD programs and taking the research outcome to the business. This will enhance the direct linkage services with the outside organizations and industries.
The University is also continuing its services with strong collaborations with possible organizations for the regional developments. The University community is happily enhancing their services in all possible directions for uplifting the regional and national developments. All communications for collaborations can be initiated through official channels of the University.
Professor A. Atputharajah Vice Chancellor of the University of Vavuniya and Senior Professor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Jaffna. Currently he is serving as Vice Chancellor at University of Vavuniya