It is indeed a proud and joyful moment to write a message to the newly established University. At this juncture, I want to brief how the institution evolved as University. Initially established as Northern Provincial Affiliated University College in 1991, it was upgraded as Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna in 1997. After thirty years, it has become University with effect from 01st August 2021. The vision of the University is “To be a leading centre of excellence in knowledge advancement and dissemination for sustainable change”. University will extend its facilities to foster sustainable quality of education and uphold excellence in teaching, learning and research activities to fulfil the gaps in the region and nation. Also, it will produce a new generation of graduates with expertise in knowledge, skills and ability, who can be good citizens and leaders to serve the country. I assume that our university community will cooperate and contribute to shaping the University’s future direction with government support. They will exert efforts to move the University towards a proactive position in the higher education sector of Sri Lanka. It is the time to be collective and to pledge to work together to achieve the institution’s vision and mission. I am confident that this University will inspire and lead future generations to new heights of sustained success and achievement.
Prof. T. Mangaleswaran
Vice Chancellor
University of Vavuniya