The Administration Branch provides the essential services–people, facilities, and management–that support the living, learning, and working experiences of the university community and are required for smooth functioning of the University
Main Functions :
Maintaining the Master Inventory of the University
Annual Board of Survey on Fixed assets will be coordinated and carried out by this division and further action will be taken to dispose the discarded items
Rehabilitation of buildings are handling by this division as per the Procurement Guidelines and Manuals.
Handling all matters related to utility services such as; water, electricity, postal, courier and telecommunication services
Providing transport facilities to the Staff and Students for the Academic and Administrative purposes & Vehicle maintaining vehicles through Transport Unit
Coordination of matters related to security services (both internal and outsources) and all matters connected thereto through Security Unit
Procurement, coordination and supervision of cleaning and janitorial services and Coordination of Gully removals
Coordination of matters related to labor outsource services
Procurement and coordination matters related to construction of buildings and other infrastructures.
Procurement committee regarding rehabilitation and other works
Leasing / Purchasing of House / Land.
Maintenance of Waste water treatment plants and Environmental protection license
Quarters, Guest house and housing facilities
Maintaining records of the University Land and Property